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rotary kiln has differnt愛舊 type and modelsDate:2017-07-21 11:25:19 &歌說nbsp;  Author:Ch弟生aoyang Heavy Machinery舞土 Manufacture Co., Ltd事白.

According to the different mate說黑rials processing, rotary kiln can be divided into cement kiln, m計志etallurgy chemical kiln, lime kiln, c長哥eramic kiln, zinc oxide kiln.

Cement kiln is mainly used to calcine cem外算ent clinker, and it is divided into 花女two kinds: dry process cement k朋們iln and wet process cement kiln. 生自Metallurgy chemical kiln is mainly u子鄉sed for poor iron ore magnetizing roa哥刀sting in steel factory.&美民nbsp;

Lime kiln is used fo小光r roasting acive lime and線廠 light burned dolomite used in 輛湖iron and steel plant, ferroa畫房lloy plant and calcium carbide plan志船t. 

Ceramic kiln is used for cal但數cination and manufacture of vario醫理us ceramic of materials 錢一bauxite, clay, yellow mud, river s內厭ludge, fly ash, s雪錢hale, coal gangue, mu嗎章nicipal solid wa友用ste, biological sludge舞會. 

Oxidation roasting of chromium and nick鐘讀el ore. It is also use子線d for extracting of草山 tin and lead by chlorin農校ation volatilization roasting, for時靜 refractory plant roasting high alu樹玩mina bauxite and aluminum 呢們plant roasting clinker, a林雨luminum hydroxide and for 聽河chemical plants roasting chrome ore and房通 chrome ore powder.

The Zinc Oxide kiln is used for舊唱 mixing the zinc ch嗎門arge and the cokin銀林g coal in proportion t笑湖o produce Zinc Oxide

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