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Principle of ve月要rtical mill Date:2017-07-28 13:43:00 &nbs草懂p;  Author:熱高Chaoyang Heavy Machinery Manufacture Co學事., Ltd.

The vertical mill is driven by the moto道去r through reducer. Material falls to the c她年enter of millstone and then m機個ove towards edge und知火er the centrifugal for腦工ce. 


Vertical coal mill is rolled by rol腦門ler. After crushin唱地g, material ove他制rflow from the edge, the還多n it is transfered to the 事雨high efficient separator by hot air河體 from nozzle ring. 

The bigger materials transmitte個機d back to grinding and the qualifie的信d materials will be collected 下湖by the dust collecting syst南上em.

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