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Magnet Powder pe離風llet production li行區neDate:2017-08-21 10:05:51 &哥畫nbsp;  Author:Chaoyang Hea坐那vy Machinery Manufacture 內麗Co., Ltd.

Pellet ore is a most important way i生少n agglomeration of fine ore. First, add分制 moderate amount of地時 water and agglomerant in the fine ore裡影, making it int懂家o raw pellet, w北輛ith uniform viscosity and suffici舊一ent strength.Dried and讀草 preheated after calcination in an兒腦 oxidizing atmosphere,the ball has be信外en the pellets.This method is espec習舊ially suitable for the tre的場atment of concentrate fines.The pellets遠購 have good cold strength, reducibi車跳lity and particl樂地e size composition.In the iron 間爸and steel industry, pel內女let and sinter are also very importan多朋t, which  constitute togeth議妹er better with the burden新報 structure .Pellets are suit她話able for mass pro銀視duction, with uniform size輛報, ensuring good air permeability 志地of blast furnace burden, high poro兵會sity,good reducibility, high cold st西文rength, easy to 銀厭transport and storage and n亮話ot easy to break, it is also applie答商d to non-ferrous me購好tal metallurgy. 

As different technology and 大哥raw materials, pellet production line can be divided into shaft fur筆你nace pellet process and校影 chain grate - 快錢rotary kiln pellet process in議店 China.

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