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Dry process cement p去員roduction lineDate:2017-08-22 09:22:50 &n南女bsp;  Author:C器妹haoyang Heavy Machinery Manuf人算acture Co., Ltd.

The main systems學錢 of the dry process cement 林的production line兵農 include crush and prior homoge鐘妹nization system, ra不姐w material prepara那計tion and homogenization pack靜大aging system.

The cement productio明她n process is that, crushin文黃g the raw materials and grindi音錢ng it into particles; then transmi用鄉t the particles into high temp事要erature kiln, calcini些拍ng it into clinker; finally mi放腦x the clinker and moderate gypsum, fin玩錢ally grind the mixture into cement師雜.

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