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Constitute Of R飛多otary KilnDate:2017-09-08 09:39:11 器畫   Author:Chaoyang Hea錢聽vy Machinery Manufact花下ure Co., Ltd.

The rotary kiln is mainly composed of a 月樂kiln body, a transmission devic身術e, a supporting device, 兵家a gear wheel device, a kil到南n head sealing device, 暗有a kiln tail sealing device 房很;and a kiln head cover.

Rotary kilns wildly used in nonferrous metallurgy河答 industry, ferrous metallurgy indu區多stry, chemical indus海歌try, cement industr明這y, refractory material industr了作y, lime industry, envir去雨onmental protection industry.


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