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Magnetite Use Magnetic SeparatorDate:2017-11-03 09:07:37  &nb器風sp; Author:Chaoyan舞雨g Heavy Machine地美ry Manufacture Co., Ltd.

Our company produces the most紅件 common permanent wet magnetic separator, used for iron selection, iron r高哥emoval operatio們鄉ns. The utility model is嗎亮 suitable for wet magnetic separat街花ion of magnetite, pyrrhotite, calcine通弟d ore, ilmenite and other mat器雪erials with particle s在分ize below 3mm. Trough types:低計 CTN countercurr爸火ent type, CTB semi-countercu放農rrent type CTS downstream type, magnetic separator can be divided in西章to weak magnetic se大能parator and strong火山 magnetic separator.

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