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Manufacture Cerami秒個c Production PlantDate:2017-11-03 08:21草銀:45    Autho山很r:Chaoyang Heavy Machinery Manuf雜商acture Co., Ltd.

Ceramsite has such specifi近數c advantages: low density, high st水行rength of the cylinder pres來舞sure, high poros分森ity, high softening coefficient, 空高good frost resistan但頻ce, resistance and excellent alkali票小 aggregate reactivity. Meanwhile坐地 it also has advantages of 街在light weight, corrosio影師n resistance, frost resi地下stance, seismic an話到d good isolation, due to 自這small ceramic density, the近錯 internal porous, uniform sh費器ape and coposition and a cer什大tain strength and ruggedness.輛費

Because of that advantages, Ceramsite production line can be widely used in building mat員生erials, horticulture, food and 拍微beverage, fire-resistant insula員現tion materials, chemical an低間d oil, and the application field is co新藍ntinuously expanding.

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