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Energy-saving scraper chain conveyor門生Date:2017-11-14 09:52:34  劇身;  Author:Chaoyang 相熱Heavy Machinery Manuf做票acture Co., Ltd.

Our scraper chain conv日土eyor is a general-purpose fixe風玩d mechanized conveying 習門equipment, which i信跳s divided into l要志ight plate, medium plat離錢e and heavy plate. At presen跳請t, the main produ房關cts are medium plate (HB民跳) and heavy plate (BZ). 時鐘Using steel plate as carrier, scraper ch關坐ain conveyor is suitable for con森上veying massive loose mat微美erials and unit load, 動內especially for large, heav遠妹y hot scorching 什刀hot and corrosive materia自愛ls.

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