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Magnetite Use Magnetic Separ生房atorDate:2017-11-15 08:10:30  &n白報bsp; Author:Chaoyang Heavy Machin學購ery Manufacture Co., Ltd.

Our company通火 produces the most 我問common permanent wet magnetic separator, used for iron selection, iron remov吃為al operations. The uti視人lity model is suitable for w們做et magnetic separation of ma員不gnetite, pyrrhotite, calcined ore,計畫 ilmenite and other m知水aterials with particle他匠 size below 3mm.男笑 Trough types: CTN c我水ountercurrent type, CTB semi-co鐵舞untercurrent type CTS downstream t器事ype, magnetic sep票鐘arator can be divided 雜能into weak magnetic separator and strong magnetic separa北什tor.

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