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Ore Dressing Use但到 Spiral Classifier來又Date:2017-11-16 08:51:52   &妹飛nbsp;Author:Chaoyang Heavy Ma媽土chinery Manufacture Co., L了我td.

Single spiral class花劇ifier has four types: hi唱答gh weir type sing知拍le spiral, high weir type double spir這銀al, submerged single sp年北iral, submerged double spiral.&n場刀bsp;

The spiral classifier is widely used in the concentrator for sh術友unting mine, with t來微he ball mill forms a closed錢們 loop process, 門木to grade ore and fine m音街ud the gravity mill, or classify the p白紙ulp in metal processing. It 金志can also be used in sludge會舞 removal, dehydr討還ation and other operations.

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