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Tube Mill Manufa近水cturer Wind Swept 音術Coal Ball Grinding M術化ill Coal Mill Date:2017-11-16冷但 10:51:57  但章;  Author:Chaoya技水ng Heavy Machine些林ry Manufacture Co., Ltd.

Wind swept coal ball mill is good at further grinding森遠 and drying. It has the advan訊是tages of high efficiency, energy 議商saving and envi紙紅ronmental protection. More than 85% pul爸輛verized coal after grinding男雜, with moisture 我國below 2%, can pa什美ss through 200 mesh sc草時reen. 

Air-swept coal mill is the key equipment to grin歌劇ding coal for the 來對rotary kiln and industrial furnace.問銀  It can widely used in elec火東tricity, building materials, metal開道lurgy, chemical湖畫 industry, etc.

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