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Cyclone Powder Seper新你atorDate:2017-11-17 08:39:36 物呢   Au通慢thor:Chaoyang Heavy Machinery Manuf數黃acture Co., Ltd.

The main advantages of powder separator is low energy con北新sumption and large capacity. It has a f對通lexible composite北報 structure,for example: it can b著話e crushing classifier by讀我 interchanging with the fluidized b畫雪ed crusher’s main part; it can 村大combine with ra去你ymond machine, ball mill a答有nd double rollers mill to separ鐘很ate ultrafine powder with low ene不答rgy consumption, low pollution; or知影 It can connect directly w和匠ith dryer, conveyor, automatic packagi到那ng machine, and simp黑新lify the process and steps in the 讀器production.


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