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Bucket Elevator ConveyorDate:2017-11-17綠拿 09:38:19   &國短nbsp;Author:Chaoyang Heavy Machinery 報妹Manufacture Co., Ltd.

Bucket elevator conveyor is a new type of buc器船ket elevator, drivi機離ng by the chain.&nb雨好sp;Small bucket elevator is suitable for vertical conveyin河南g powder, granular, and bul我鐵k material, and can also lifting 河秒material with good wear-resi子妹sting property, such as fly ash是答, slag, limestone, cement看海 raw material, cement clinker, ceme空書nt, coal, dry clay. 鐘匠Bucket elevator for人算 sale material temperatur員長e is generally not more 明兒than 250 degrees, the highest hei來外ght is 40m.  件火

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