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Dry Process Cement Pro裡見duction LineDate:2017-11-29 09:物一50:39    Author:C子算haoyang Heavy Machinery Manufa器來cture Co., Ltd.

Dry Process Cement 腦去Production Line stepts 1.Crushing the raw materi明時als and grinding it into particles.水用 2.Transmit the pa多裡rticles into high tem美動perature kiln, calcining it into cli下吧nker. 3.Mix the clinker and mod信城erate gypsum, finally grind the mixt拿現ure into cement.


According to the application, cement plant products is divided into general ce森視ment, special cement, characteristic c麗廠ement. General cement mainl公還y includes the following six general 哥線cements: ordinary portland (silicat火照e) cement, portla他影nd cement, slag portland cement, 工國volcano gray portland cement,身錯 coal ash portland cement a她腦nd composite portland cement.

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