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Good quality disc feederDate:2017-12-02 09:04:15   場近 Author:Chaoyang Heavy Ma房那chinery Manufacture 上話Co., Ltd.

Disc feeder is suitable for 20mm powde來能r feed equipment. I錯畫t is composed of drive, feeder body, 都頻measuring belt conveyor and metering 兵懂device. Feeders and belt conveyors 土們are driven by a set of drives wh司東ose electromagnetic clutch ha我學s the function of opening, stopping花銀 and switching functions of煙頻 the feeder. Me花劇asuring belt conveyor speed 裡刀is less than 1m / s, in order to de吃土termine the speed with 兵土speed detection device但亮 and prevent deflection of the weig站窗hing roller with 讀書a detection lever to b風答e adjusted.

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