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Active Lime Vertical P村中reheaterDate:2017-12-21 11:07:08  &麗自nbsp; Author:Chaoyang 雨農Heavy Machinery Manufacture短計 Co., Ltd.

Active Lime Vertical Preh嗎國eater working principle is just lik理村e this: 

After the limestone enter th些東e preheater, about 1100℃ high temperature wast化歌e gas discharged 農雨from sintering kiln f放能low into the pre舞熱heater moving towards the opp業朋osite direction. By the suf熱能ficient heat exchange, the好小 materials can be unif農那orm preheating. The temp照還erature of limestone aft公上er preheated can reach 900℃, about 3女間0% of the limestone will be 新工decomposed. The temper生著ature of discharged gas is less t頻著han 220℃, which shorten the time of sin那們tering and lower th舞錢e heat consumption and fue制影l cost, and effectively reduce t去體he production cost. After preheating妹文, limestone is pushed 黃山into the kiln by hydrau東志lic push rod, the校歌 waste gas after heat exchange, w站不ill be discharged into atmosphe謝志re after processing by th黃算e dust collector. 書不The advantages of the vertical preheate小房r are good preheating p錯和erformance, fewer mov議中ing parts and reliable o計姐peration.

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