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Spiral Cement Screw ConveyorDate:2017-12-23 10:22:5對商2    Author:Chaoyang H鐵腦eavy Machinery Manufacture Co.,在有 Ltd.

Advantages of screw conveyor

1). Large volum友紙e, high speed and long ser嗎村vice life.
2). Low energy consump慢一tion.
3). Flexible conveying.
4). Combination of complex trans拿雨port.
5). Environmentally desi生地gn, reducing pollution a麗校nd achieving the goal of green de技喝sign.

6). Flexible screw conveyo門林r should be used at the temperat船我ure of 20℃~50 ℃; the conveying 朋書length is genera開算lly less than 40m, a都窗nd the maximum lengt哥少h is no more than 70m.
7). Compared with other conveyor黑業, it has advantages o鐵多f simple structure, smal時很l cross section, good sealing不光 performance, multiple 跳科loading and discharging, 到紙safe and convenient operation, low m學作anufacturing cost.

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