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Active Lime Production LineDate:2017-12-25 08:22:34   &西司nbsp;Author:Chaoyang Heavy Mac去吧hinery Manufacture Co., Ltd.

Active lime production line is A line of active lime南要 production. At present, the domestic a空短nd foreign type of微商 roasting kiln lime are rota科機ry kiln, double-chamb多知er kiln, sleeve kiln, 志可beam kiln, improved歌從 mechanized shaft kiln, dom長高estic gas burning kiln and trad照看itional mechanized coke kiln家相 and traditional kiln.

Active lime production line is mainly composed of five syst愛火em: sintering system, materials scr業愛een and feeding system, finish下路ed product conv鄉務eying, storage and transportat新了ion system, waste信子 gas treatment system, pulver分分ized coal process system.

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