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Good quality bucket資河 elevatorDate:2017-12-25 09:54:57  &子下nbsp; Auth在放or:Chaoyang Heavy 費來Machinery Manufacture唱林 Co., Ltd.

The bucket elevator has the advantages of通音 large quantity of transportation, hig對朋h elevation, stable亮票 and reliable operation and 近年long life. Bucket elevator machine is suitabl醫兒e for conveying powdery, granul數呢ar and small block without 低票milling and grinding material, 些金small cut such as coal, cement, stone,輛現 sand, clay, iron ore,看自 as the lifting machine traction mecha近你nism is a circular c站在hain, thus allowing delivery of high 快們temperature materials (mat公民erial temperature not exc市匠eeding 250 DEG C). The heig朋一ht of the general但行 transportation is up to 40 meters. Th制如e TG type is up to 80 meters.

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