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Dry Process Cement 答物Production LineDate:2017-12-26 08:18民動:32   &理生nbsp;Author:Cha微花oyang Heavy Machinery 很會Manufacture Co., Ltd.雨又

The main systems of the dry process cement product麗通ion line include crush and prior homogenizati件腦on system, raw material preparatio喝山n and homogenization p吃會ackaging system.

According to the application, the站得 dry process cement produc海章tion line is divided into gen不購eral cement, speci數鄉al cement, characteristic cement. Gen空公eral cement mainly i資區ncludes the followi下來ng six general cements: ordina土老ry portland (silicate) cement鐘這, portland cement, slag 信長portland cement,理問 volcano gray portland cemen街費t, coal ash portland cement and com書鐘posite portland cement. 


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