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Long bag low-pressure pulse dust colle窗看ctorDate:2017-12-29 09:00:36 &n中弟bsp;  Autho有的r:Chaoyang Heavy Machinery Manu這員facture Co., Ltd.

The long bag low-pressure pulse dust col紙信lector is an advanced bag filter with advanced微章 level. It is a large 音科dust removal equipment with large a金西ir volume, good銀錢 dust removal effec南多t, high dust rem藍那oval efficiency, reliable op湖銀eration, convenient m西體aintenance and s懂器mall footprint. Long bag low-pressure pulse dust coll家樂ector dust gas enters from the air in視章let, through the hopper, part of the科那 large dust partic話少les in gas by inertial force we下吧re isolated directly into 你理ash hopper. Bag filte嗎女r dust containing gas t那女hrough an area a火制fter entering the box body, the ga為外s passes through th商明e filter bag dust is blo事美cked in the oute秒一r surface of the bag. After purif些報ication, the ga日子s enters the upper box through th就作e filter mouth, and is藍上 discharged by the outlet.

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