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Electrostatic Prec火門ipitatorDate:2017-12-31 08:19:2內拍9    Author年答:Chaoyang Heavy Machi冷妹nery Manufacture Co., Ltd.

Electrostatic precipitator is a dust collecting devic化微e for separatin弟村g the dusty gas from ionizing in high爸吧 voltage electric field, charg照在ing the dust or droplet and deposit個理ing on the elec低理trode under the a讀家ction of electric field force, 來子so that the dust新影 or droplet in the gas can煙美 be separated and processed.

The principle of the electrostatic precipitator is to use the high voltage electric 月紙field to ionize the flue g跳懂as, and the dust charge in the air fl線黃ow is separated from the air訊玩 flow under the action o靜技f the electric field.

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