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  • Electric Dust Collector
  • Electric Dust Collector
  • Electric Dust Collector
  • Electric Dust Collector
  • Electric Dust Collector
  • Electric Dust Collector
  • Electric Dust Collector
  • Electric Dust Collector
Electric Dust Collec風懂tor

Electrostatic precipitator is信和 a gas dedusting metho店自d. Dust in flowing a一下ir is electrically separated 熱吃;when going through the日務 high voltage electrostatic field. D匠畫ust particles with ne城服gative ions are deposited on請不 the positive surfa我照ce. The ESP is widely used雨老 in metallurgy a場小nd chemical indus友話try, to purify the gas or u化歌seful dust recycling.錯文

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Electrostatic pr北舊ecipitator is a gas dedustin腦體g method. Dust in flow輛村ing air is electrically separated&電好nbsp;when going through the high v銀看oltage electrostatic field. Dust parti不志cles with negative ions a匠你re deposited on the positive surf制體ace. The ESP is widely used 新場in metallurgy and chemical i工資ndustry, to purify the 家多gas or useful dust recyclin醫玩g.

The dust in flowing air is ionized wh科討en passing through the static elec商聽tric field, then attra我廠cted on electrode. Molecule of dust i樂雪n the air is departed into 廠現positive ion and electron吃服 in the strong electric城書 field. The ele討書ctron makes dust particles&nb工道sp;get the negative electr笑村on when they mixe爸視d, then the dust with n長區egative electron are ad道在sorbed to the positive&nbs紅知p;charged pole.

Because of the t市還echnological innovati章水on, the way of u刀到sing negative plate to collect數雜 dust is also accept. ESP are n說廠ormally used for co空商al-fired power plant and factor著中y, to collect coal a來飛sh and dust in the flowing ga得哥s. Now it is志湖 widely used not only in collec線跳ting tin, zinc, lead, alum中吧inum and other oxides in metallurgy秒放, but also in dust吃子 removing and steri新子lization for household.


Application Field身會s


Working principle

Electrostatic precipitator uses hi綠錢gh voltage DC electric field to i城通onize gas molecules慢行 in the air, producing a large 行城number of electro歌區ns and ions. Unde筆師r the action of e理好lectric field for作金ce, that move t高媽oward the two ends. Dust particl機畫es and bacteria in the 問分air charged, in the pro體刀cess of moving. The charg習得ed particles under t舊樂he action of electric field force 學自moving toward i但街ts opposite charge plate. In 放人the electric field, the生那 free ions in the的慢 air to move to the poles, the hig術也her the voltage, the faster movem那讀ent of ions. Due to the mo民從vement of ions, th光男e electric current技喝 is formed between&nbs電吃p;poles. The 市讀electric current is not strong新道 when ion is a little. After the 錯電;voltage is increased 自地to a certain value,&nb我去sp;ion near the electrod放得e obtains high energy and sp那業eed, then hit the neutral at討匠oms in the air.&n友業bsp;Neutral atoms c我業an be decomposed into positive 動明and negative ions, and that&場門nbsp;phenomenon is called air io也煙nization. Because of 懂冷the air ionization, the number of ion&n雪那bsp;is greatly 飛們increased in&nbs訊東p;the air, then the air tu和什rned into a conductor.&n熱這bsp;High voltage in綠站 the air can kill bacteria a花件nd adsorb dust.



1. High efficiency&還跳nbsp;of dedusting.

2.Small resistance and low ener家黑gy consumption.

3.Large amount of flue gas dea輛光ling.

4. High temper著跳ature resistance, can capture 員遠the large corrosive a費友erosol particles.

5.High requirements for manufactur嗎年ing, installation and opera來雜tion.



1. A fault detec美數tor need to be installed o照習n the vibration&nbs男謝p;system to detect問河 the abnormal vibrat姐從ion position.

2.When full load opera個議tion, adjust the vibration str離朋ength and vibration speed, to insur著我e the discharge concentration is s還器tandard.

3.Check all insp金吧ection doors, ash discharge近民 valves and the connectio對上n between the vibrat森錯ion bearing and the shell&nbs員機p;to insure the seal is well.

4.Check and replace the 慢得air filter of insulator那友 and the air filt什秒er in the power supply 分畫room in time to preve去章nt the over-cooling and du和數st accumulation.

5. Check the high vol玩舞tage protection system to pre業說vent bug and ground有路.

6.Ensure that the tap position o白視f the transformer 校動is consistent with the pow弟刀er supply for dusting requ不視irements.

7.Check the insulation strength of tran他話sformer oil to prevent breakdown.

8.Recorded the current and vo筆訊ltage discharged by corona every 信微1 hours.


Maintenance of ESP when&厭車nbsp;power off

1.Check the position司坐 and status of each part by obser靜風ving or measuring, and 女裡record the posit理可ion of the wire break, so as 短件to dealing with to銀街gether.

2.Check the distance b器去etween wire and the 一上polar plate, especially the epipola慢花r line is in the me村空dium. 6mm distance or more could們音 cause part sparkover, and event是廠ually lead to polar wire damag筆新e. In addition, if the electrode 問睡is not in the center, 森路the voltage will abnorm樹來ally increase, reducing t員吃he effect of dust removal.

3.Check whether the plate curve算高 or not, due to over vibrat弟時ion or structural bug.

4.Check the insulator舊雜 in the dust collector and能低 clean its&n能訊bsp;surface.

5.Check whether the門計 ash deposit on 數新the electrode. If醫河 there is ash, the electric field a能小sh must be cleane媽房d.


Quotation Notice

   Please tell me the following qu金月estions, then I can 議錯give you an accurate q學見uotation soon, 妹女which includes additional discount!

Your email and phon通就e number will be secret.

   1.W房水hat kind of equipm話理ent would you門生 like? Such門媽 as electrostatic precipitator, cyc高站lone dust collector.街土

   2.What kind o友聽f flue gas do you used for? 訊子Such as kiln di請影scharged gas.

   3.What空資 capacity do you want? Such as 1600大我00㎥/h.

   4.What is the concent美計ration of entrance 在場dust? Exit dust density? Such as國都 entrance dust density 100mg/(N)㎥,劇對 and exit dust densi拍現ty is less than 30mg但空/(N)㎥.

   5.Yo火匠ur contact information銀土. Email address and phone 從一number are very important, by志計 which we can contact you了師.


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Technology 離愛;Data of ESP
Type HEP60 HEP90 HEP120 HEP175 HEP185x2
Process cap時紅acity(Nm³/h 160000 210000 302400 441000 466200
Air speed(M/s 0.65 0.65 0.7 0.7 0.7
Entrance dust density(g/m³) ≤80
Exit dust density(mg/m³) ≤100 ≤100 ≤100 ≤100 ≤50
Chamber number/&nb線子sp;electric fie短兵ld number 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/13 4/8
Homopolar number(mm 400
Channel number(個) 21 24 24 28 36
Entrance smo短不ke temperature(℃ <300 <300 <300 <300 <300
Vibrate type Mechanical
Rectifier transform了不er type(A/KV GGAJO2-0.5A/72KV GGAJO2-0.8A/72KV GGAJO2-1.0A/72KV GGAJO2-1.0A/72KV GGAJO2-1.0A/72KV
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