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Cyclone dust collectorDate:2018-01-02 14:55:25 &nbs關風p;  Author:Cha長術oyang Heavy Machi錢笑nery Manufacture Co., Ltd.歌朋

The cyclone dust colle短去ctor is a kind of dedusting devi鐘呢ce. The mechanism 作筆of dust is the dust flow to rotat黃公e by centrifugal force to dust from拍我 the air separati火長on and trapping in the wall, 笑影with the gravity of the dust particl跳著es into the hopper. Each co議知mponent of the cyclone dust collector has a certain size and proportion. T什愛he change of each pro物紅portion affects the effic黃農iency and pressure loss of the cyc白為lone. The diameter of the dus服在t collector, the inlet size and 跳民the diameter of the exhaust pi謝又pe are the main influencing factor湖東s.

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