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Air Drum Cooler Cyl愛門inder Cooling MachineDate:2018-01-04 11:52:06   &n白還bsp;Author:Chaoyang Heavy 器醫Machinery Manufacture Co., Ltd.

Drying of wet material is sent to 哥跳the hopper by a belt con兵也veyor or bucket elevator. 

The material of rotary air cooler comes in from higher end and the heatin是票g comes out to the lower end.

When wet material頻作 in the cylinder mov線讀ed forward processing.

Directly or indirectly, cylinder cooling machine煙數 get the heat from the he影日ating body. And少你 then, it can be send out through b很但elt conveyor or screw convey土坐or at the discharge end.

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