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Alumina rotary kilnDate:2018-01-06 13:46:48  還舊;  Author:C花得haoyang Heavy Machin看影ery Manufacture Co., Ltd.

Alumina rotary kiln is mainly used to calci南師ne cement clinker, and it is divided開低 into two kinds: dry process ce工嗎ment kiln and wet process cement kiln城弟. Metallurgy chemical kiln i男船s mainly used f金吃or poor iron ore ma鄉答gnetizing roasting in steel factory也來. 

The raw material enter into th雨匠e cylinder rotary kiln body from the tail of the kiln to be東機 calcined at high temperature.玩近 Due to the tilti場暗ng kiln body and頻科 the slow rotati話放on, the material produces a comple喝習x movement which moves along the circu些北mferential directio媽朋n and moves along the axial dir工術ection from the high end to the lo讀暗w end. 

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