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Sand Mining Vertical Stone Mi海樂llDate:2018-01-12 09:37:04  &nbs暗雜p; Author:Ch這吃aoyang Heavy Machi東很nery Manufacture Co., Ltd.

Advantage of vertical mill

1. Adjustable air deflector: 也作changing vane sectional are計制a can regulate vane speed南務 to fit for different materia紅唱l.
2. Flat millstone and tapper gea紙內r with chute liners is easy for 路喝repairing. What's more得做, four roller hydraulic pressure ty輛家pe mills are co做章nvenient for oil票聽 pressure equipment.
3. Compared with common grinding玩白 mill, Vertical sand mill暗制 machine has high grinding effic有制iency, shortened proc玩一ess flow, lower power consumption市道 with material grinding under li厭新mited pressure.腦文 


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