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Energy Saving Lim計鐵estone MillDate:2018-04-02 09:46:呢筆44    Author:Chaoyang司南 Heavy Machinery Man歌短ufacture Co., Ltd.

Principle of vertical mill

The grinding plate is driven by the motor thro水議ugh reducer. Material falls to the c白兒enter of millstone and the藍頻n move towards edge un亮唱der the centrifugal force.&還機nbsp;

Meanwhile Limestone Mill material is rolled by roller. After cru畫路shing, material over內草flow from the edge,河花 then it is transfered to the hi問子gh efficient separator by hot 西章air from nozzle ri南房ng. 

The big materials that is not carr黃農ied and metal parts entering acciden畫志tally will be ground through th算生e external circulation of bucket.

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