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Air Exchanging Annu姐作lar CoolerDate:2018-04-08 09:37:57  &音門nbsp; Author:Chaoyang Heavy M兵好achinery Manufacture Co., Ltd.

Principle of 請道;Annular Cooler

The cold air blower through the be輛老llows and bellowing trolley林術 cool down the hot sinte樂樂r ore on slow turning光紙 trolley, realizing t劇大he heat exchange between the hot si腦東nter ore surface and cold air, gra銀你dually cooling the hot sin煙他ter on the industry cooler關術

When the trolley is turn商商ed to the unloading area, the如人 trolley starts to d吃長escend along th兒土e track and discharge hot低票 sinter of 120℃ or below呢媽. 

Then the trolley turns back in palac在快e along the track to and star雨你ts the next cycle樹如 of the charging - coo山們ling - unloading.

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