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Calcium Carbonate Vertical MillDate:2018-04-11 10:50:11  &nb西匠sp; Author:Chaoyang Heavy 輛她Machinery Manufacture Co., Ltd.

Advantages of vertical mill

1.Calcium Carbonate腦姐 Vertical Mill Adjustable air deflector: changi離看ng vane sectional area can reg土場ulate vane speed to fit for differen音但t material. 
2. Flat millstone and tap美慢per gear with chute lin聽道ers is easy for rep小計airing. What's more,森線 four roller hydraulic pressure 又和type mills are convenient子鐵 for oil pressure eq要明uipment. 
3. Compared with common grinding 問河mill, vertical mil兒醫l has high grinding e公窗fficiency, shorte國相ned process flow, 購學lower power consumptio拍愛n with material grinding under limited通兵 pressure.


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