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Excellent Quality Rotary窗月 Dryer MachineDate:2018-05-05 09:50:15 &雪雜nbsp;  白亮;Author:Chaoyang Heavy Machinery M說做anufacture Co., Ltd.

Advantage of Rotary Dryer

1.Higher level of mechanization, great什去er production cap機人acity of the industry dryer.

2.Good dust sealing perfo錯醫rmance, convenient maintena唱電nce.

3.Stronger adaptability 舊間of the materail, th商化e operation is stable and convenient.

4.Large amount of processing, less fu銀做el consumption, low dr地視ying cost.

5.Outlet temperature is人高 low, and the heat effic場你iency is high.

6.It can according to the diff和筆erent property of the m場裡aterail to chan問場ge the operating parameters.制火

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