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Cyclone Dust CollectorDate:2018-05-23 10:35議書:19    Autho謝林r:Chaoyang Heavy Machine農又ry Manufacture Co.,他到 Ltd.

Principle of Cyclone Dust Collector

Industury Dust Collector is fitted for collecting la空亮rge particle. There is in玩煙tercepter valve on th市子e top of cyclone collector, electric h的林oist starts working, it matches wi房制th dust expelling device on花遠 the bottom of cy件東clone collector. The procedure 快在for dust dropping is that exhaust廠訊 gas enter into th亮畫e gravity setting些文 device from horizontal direction, und票西er gravity force, dust would be sedimen店店tation, and the cle習兒an air would be flow through拍離 horizontal direction, and r人腦ealize the dust collecting. 

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