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Sludge dryer Indus農一trial Dryer Machine動但Date:2018-07-10 13:49:4音要2    Author:年新Chaoyang Heavy Machinery Manufactur湖離e Co., Ltd.

Sludge dryer Industrial Dryer Machine

The material is added from the higher照醫 end, the heat carrier enters樹風 from the lower end訊跳, and countercuttent contact 坐章with the material現刀, and the heat carrier and 說黃the material flow into the cylinde空兵r together get 愛習to co-current contact.

With the rotation of the cylinder dryer, the material mo商土ves to the lower e會民nd by gravity action. When the wet上東 material moves forward i路音n the cylinder, the hea愛機ting of the heat carrier is ob購影tained directly o生我r indirectly, so that 鐵如the wet material is dried, and then 弟日sent out at the discharging end by t的長he belt conveyor or chain bucket conv購朋eyor. 


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