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Jaw Stone Crusher Working Way Date:2017-07-24 13計鄉:29:57   &nbs會市p;Author:Chaoyang月電 Heavy Machinery Manufactur就又e Co., Ltd.

The working parts of jaw crusher are two jaw plate, one is stati市上c(fixed jaw), it is vertically讀音 (or slightly lean ou窗從tside) fixed on the 的兵front wall of the bo線做dy, 

the other is the dynamic火頻(moving jaw), it is哥去 in a tilt position and&nbs公事p;forms a small crushing chamber 的花(working chamber) with the fixed jaw吃飛 plate. 

The movable jaw plates are樂如 periodically recipr東美ocated against the fixed ja近家ws, sometimes separated and somet鐵吃imes close. 

When it is separated, th的弟e material enters the crushing chamber and then 人還;the product is discharged月物 from the lower part. 

When it is near, the material 外答between the two jaws 國在is crushed by crushing, bending and spl老音itting.

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