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Stone Impact Crusher Suitable M現歌aterials Date:2017-07-25 13:31:31   &n看化bsp;Author:Chaoyang Heavy鐘水 Machinery Manufacture Co., L喝音td.

Impact crusher Suitable Material: non-metallic mat友煙erials that is hard rock with brit我問tleness, and the stronge人理st anti-crush pressure is刀喝 less than 350Mpa.


The materials’ size between唱劇 100mm and 500mm. 


Impact stone crusher Mainly used in metal腦靜lurgy, mining, cem放站ent, chemical, fir能兵eproofing and ceramics an錢也d other industries,


as well as highway好西 construction, wat下煙er conservancy constr分下uction, gravel, sand processing an雨的d other fields.

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