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Active Lime Productio河吃n Line Plant Date:2017-11-02 13:48:04  &nbs下不p; Author:Chaoyang Heavy Machin她上ery Manufacture Co., Ltd.得計

Active lime produ間時ction line is A line of active lime produc關熱tion.The rotary kiln is 車吧the widely-used equi議員pment in calcining ac輛要tive lime. The amount of activ藍媽e lime calcined多快 by rotary kiln來生 accounted for more than 1/3.


Active lime plant is mainly composed of fi吧這ve system: sintering syst筆自em, materials screen and feeding syst船又em, finished product conveying, storage呢在 and transportation system, wa妹樹ste gas treatment system, pulveri化街zed coal process system. The sint廠如ering system is composed of thre話哥e main equipment: vertical preheater,動懂 rotary kiln, vertical cool姐光er.

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